
Since the 32nd Bienal de São Paulo in 2016, Luther has been working solo. Prior to that, she worked exclusively in collectives, co-founding Learning Site (active 2004 to 2015) and N55 (active with original members 1996 to 2003). In 2021 Luther defended the PhD Concrete Aesthetics: From Universal Rights to Financial Post-Democracy. It is planned be published in 2024 with extended texts by Esther Leslie and Jaime Stapleton.

Education and research

2023-2024          Novo Nordisk Practic-based art Post doc The Ocean-Lands: Mud Within the Earth System, Queen Margrethe’s and Vigdís Finnbogadóttir´s
                           Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Ocean, Climate, and Society (ROCS), Center for Macro-biology, Evolution and Climate (CMEC),
                           Globe Institute, Copenhagen University

2017- 2020         Phd Concrete Aesthetics: From Universal Rights to Financial Post-Democracy, Institute of Art and Culture (IKK), Copenhagen
                           University, The Danish Royal Art Academy of Fine Art, Denmark, and ACT, MIT program in Art, Culture and Technology, School of
                           Architecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, US. Defended April, 2021. Opponents: Esther Leslie
                           (Political Aesthetics, Birkbeck, London University); Kim West (writer and curator) and Solveig Gade (IKK, Copehagen University)

1991-1998          The Royal Danish Art Academy of Fine Art, Copenhagen, Denmark

2004-2015          Founder of the artist collaboration Learning Site
1999-2003          Co-founder of the artist collaboration N55



Part time/ honorary positions: Selected research, Public Talks, Guest Lectures, Symposia and teaching
2022 - 2024       GRASS fellow, BAC and Uppsala University Graduate School in Sustainability Studies (GRASS)

2019 - 2022       Digital Materialities - The New Mud, [Research project], The Royal Danish Art Academy of Fine Art, Denmark
2021                  Aesthetic Agency - Please Engage Me!, [Seminar], SMK, Copenhagen, Denmark

2018 - 2019       Lunar Concrete - Regolith Extraction in Outer Space and 3D printing on the Moon and in Mud on Earth, [Research project], The Royal
                          Danish Art Academy of Fine Art, Denmark

2018                  Nordic Geography Doctoral Network, Thinking Spatiality: Cities, Nature and Society, Lund University, Sweden             

2018                  WERN2018 – World-Ecology Research Network Conference, Helsinki University, Helsinki, Finland

2018 -                Affiliate at the MIT program in Art, Culture and Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, MA, US

2017 - 2018       The Eco Commons ... In the Time of Messed Up Democracy, The Danish Royal Art Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark

2017                  Collaboration and Community-Building in Contemporary Art in Japan and Denmark, IKK, The University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2016                  Zooetics, Bozar - Center for Fine Art Brussel, Belgium

2015                  Public Place in it ́s Melt Down Area, Towards Civic Art, MIT program in Art, Culture and Technology, (ACT), School of Architecture and

                          Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, US. Teacher and Guestspeaker

2015                  KHIO, Art & Public Space, Oslo, Norway. Teacher and Guestspeaker

2014                  Design as Survival, Resistance, and Transformative Action, Harvard University, Graduate School Design, Boston, US. Guestspeaker

2013/05/01        Royal Swedish Academy of Arts, Stockholm, Sweden. Teacher and Guestspeaker

2010                  Creative Time Summit, Cooper Union, New York, US

2010                  The Politics and Aesthetics of Organization, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

2006/05/01        School of the Art Institute of Chicago, US. Guestspeaker

2005                  Cátedra Arte de Conducta, University of Havana, Cuba



Professional Teaching Appointments

2007 - 2013      Professor, DJK (The Academy of Jutland), Denmark

2012 - 2013      Guest Professor, Haute École D'art de et design Genève, work.master, MA, Switzerland

2007                 Guest Professor, The Sculpture Department, The Royal Danish Art Academy of Fine Art, Copenhagen, Denmark





Rikke Luther Exhibitions and Projects Since 2016

2023                     First There is a Mountain, Blåvandshuk, Denmark, [Stenka Hellfach & Tyra Dokkedahl]

2022/2023           Consume By, Museum Arnhem, Holland [Manon Bratt]

2022                  On Moving Ground - Sand, Mud And Planetary Change, Skaftfell, Seydisfjörd, Iceland [NARCA] (Julia Martin)
2021                  The New Mud, Astrid Noacks Atelier - ANA, Copenhagen, Denmark (Katherine Bolt)

2021                  Nature in Transition - Shifting Identities, Nordic House, (Hulda Stefánsdóttir & Hanna Styrmisdóttir), Reykjavík, Iceland

2020                  Spolied Waters Spilled, Manifesta 13 Les Parallèles du Sud, (Clelia Coussonnet & Inga Lāce), Marseille, France

2020                  Revelation Perth International Film Festival, Australia
2019                  GIBCA / Göteborg Ineternational Biennal for Contomporary Art, (Lisa Rosendahl), Sweden
2019                  Corruption: We Lost Control Again, Aarhus Kunsthall, (Jacob Fabricius), Aarhus, Denmark

2019                  CPH:DOX* - Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival / Next:Wave, Copenhagen, Denmark

2018                  Rivers of Emotion, Bodies of Ore, Kunsthall Trondheim, (Lisa Rosendahl), Trondheim, Norway

2018                  Aesthetics of Persuasion, (Linda Weintraub), Woodstock Byrdeliffe Guild Kleinert/James Center for the Arts, Woodstock, US

2018                  In Our Present Condition, (Gediminas Urbonas, Lars Bang Larsen, Laura Knott), MIT, Cambridge, US

2016                  Living in the End Times, (Katharina Stenbeck), Galerija Nova, Croatia

2016                  Mesures of Uncertainty, 32nd Bienal de São Paulo, (Jochen Volz with Gabi Ngcofo, Júlia Reboucas, Lars Bang Larsen), São Paulo, Brazil



Selected Writings and Print Publications

2021 Concrete Aesthetics: From Universial Rights to Financial Post-Democracy [PhD], Copenhagen University, Denmark

2017 Sand in the Architecture of Democracy [paper]

2017 Public Space - Lost and Found, Gediminas Urbones & Ann Lui (eds.,), MIT Press, Boston, US

2016 Sound Art, Sound as a Medium of Art, (ed. Peter Weibel), text by Brandon Labelle, MIT Press, Boston, US

2015 Moments of Freedom - Woman’s Council Text Collections for 100 Years of Suffrage, People’s Press

2014 An Edge Effect/Art & Ecology in the Nordic Landscape, (ed. Bonnie Fortune), Half Letter Press, US

2012 Architectural Inventions - Visionary Drawings, Eds. Bua and Goldfarb, Laurenceking, US

2010 Dark Matter - Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture, G.Scholette, Pluto Press, UK

2010 Kritische Komplizenschaft/Critical Complicity, edt. L. Mazza / J. Moritz, Schlebrügge.Editor, Austria

2006 LAND, ART: A Cultural Ecology Handbook, ed. Max Andrews, RSA publication, London, UKPo 

Posters from the seminar 'The Eco-Commons . . . In the Time of Messed Up Democracy', 2017

Selected work of Learning Site (2004-2013) and N55 (1996-2003)

2009 Audible Dwelling (with Cecilia Wendt and speech by Jaime Stapleton), Ohio, US. Learning Book #004 / 2008 Paper Dwelling, Land; Market and Economy (with Cecilia Wendt, text by Jaime Stapleton), New Delhi, India. Learning Book #003 / 2010 House of Economy (text by Anthony Iles), Auckland, New Zealand. Learning Book #005 / 2010 Compost Dwelling, HKW, Berlin, Germany / 2005 Collected Dwelling, detail Learning Poster (with Julia Castro), Monterrey, Mexico. Learning Book #001 / 2013 House of Welfare (text by Jaime Stapleton), London, UK. Publication· Smell The Patchouli Flower / 2007 Underground Mushroom, detail Learning Poster #004-A, (with Julio Castro and Cecilia Wendt), Singapore Biennale, Singapore. Learning Book #002 / 2013 Pod #001 (with Cecilia Wendt, originally created for Weather Report - Clima Change curated by Lucy Lippard, 2007), Pod #002, Compost House (originally created for Überleben, the Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt, 2007) and N55 Spaceframe & Floating Platform (with Cecilia Wendt, Ingvil Aarbakke and Jon Sørvin, 1999/2000) - ongoing, now at Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark / 1995 - 2003  N55 periodical, #1-#63

Rikke Luther’s Work as Founder of Learning Site (2004-2015)

Selected Exhibitions of Works by Learning Site

2013-15             Audio Dwelling 0.2, Sound School Part II, Blekinge, Sweden, Sound School Part I, Blekinge, Sweden, Audio Dwelling 0.2, Copenhagen

                          Malmö Port (CMP), Malmö, Sweden, European, Audio Dwelling 0.2, Spallation Source (ESS), Lund Science Park, Malmö, Sweden

2015                  Lokale, (Pia Rönnike & Johanne Løgstrup), Flensborggade 57, Copenhagen, Denmark

2013                  Reflections from Damaged Life. An Exhibition on Psychedelia, (Lars Bang Larsen), Raven Row, London, UK

2013                  The Society Without Qualities, (Lars Bang Larsen), Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden

2012                  The Reykjavik Arts Festival 2012, (Jonatan Habib Engqvist) The Nordic House and Reykjavik City, Iceland

2011                  Living as Form – Archive of Socially Engaged Practices from 1991-2011, (Nato Thompson), Creative Time, N.Y., US

2011                  Über Lebenskunst, (Paula Marie Hildebrandt), Haus der Kulturen den Welt, Berlin, Germany

2010                  The 4th Auckland Triennial – Last Ride in a Hot Air Balloon, (Natasha Conland), Auckland Art gallery,New Zealand

2009                  Pedagogías colectivas y políticas espaciale (open classroom), (Javier Rodgigo), University of Granada, Spain

2009                  Descent to Revolution, (James Voorhies), Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus, Ohio, US

2009                  Foodprint Expo, Art & Architecture Center, (Marieke Berkers), Stroom Den Haag, Holland

2008                  48C Public.Art.Ecology, (Pooja Sood), Delhi, India

2008                  Radical Software, (Will Bradly & Katarina Steinbeck), Den Fri Udstillingsbygning, Denmark

2007                  Weather Report: Art & Climate Change, (Lucy Lippard) Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Colorado, US

2006                  Pedagogical Island, with Nance Klehm, Learning Site, Copenhagen, Denmark

2006                  Belief, (Fumio Nanjo & Roger Mc Donnald), Singapore Biennale, Singapore

2005-09             Beyond Green: Towards a Sustainable Art (Touring Exhibition), (Stephanie Smith), Smart Museum of Art, Chicago; Museum of Arts and
                          Design, New York; Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio;  Richard E. Peeler Art Center, DePauw University, Greencastle; Museum

                          London, London, Ontario; Joseloff Gallery, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford, Connecticut; The Ronna and Eric Hoffman

                          Gallery of Contemporary Art, L. & C. College Portland, Oregon; The DeVos Art Museum, Northern Michigan University Marquette, US

2005                  Local Sources: Collected Material Dwelling #002, occupied land, Monterrey, México

2004                  Learning by Sea Urchin, (Paper Dwelling, Model 1:1), AIT, Tokyo, Japan

2004                  Walking City, (78 school children on the streets of Tokyo), Japan




Rikke Luther’s Work as Co-Founder of N55 (1996-2003)

Selected Exhibitions of Works by N55 (Relating to the 1996-2003 era I was an active member)

2011                  The Avantgarde Specters of the Nineties, (Lisette Smits & Matthieu Laurette), Marres-Centre for Contemporary Culture, Holland

2006                  LESS - strategies alternative dell’abitare, (Gabi Scardi), Milano, Spain

2004                  X-treme Houses, (Courtenay Smith), Lothringer 13, Münic, and Halle 14, Leipzig, Germany

2004                  The Interventionists – Art in the Social Sphere, (Nato Thompson & Gregory Scholette), MASS MOCA, North Adams, US

2003                  Between the Lines, (Rebecca Gordon Nesbitt), Apexart, New York, US

2003                  Living Inside the Grid, (Dan Cameron), The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, US

2002-03            We Are All Sinners, (Magalí Arriola), Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico and MARCO, Monterrey, Mexico

2002                  N55, (Gianni Jetzer), Kunsthalle Skt. Gallen, Switzerland

2002                  Shop, (Rebecca Gordon Nesbitt), CCA, Glasgow, Scotland

2002                  Enactments of the Self, (Maia Damianaovic), Steirischer Herbst, Graz, Austria

2002                  Science Fair, (Sally O'Reilly), Camden Arts Centre, London, UK

2002                  Big Torino, (Michelangelo Pistoletto), Turin, Italy

2001                  Mobile Architecture, (SKOR), Werk Spoor, Amsterdam, Holland

2001                  Artificial Natural Networks, (Trudy van Riemsdijk-Zandee & SKOR), Art Landscape Nature/De Verbeelding, Zeewolde, Holland

2001                  Waterproof, (Birgitte van der Sande), Fort Asperen, Nederland

2001                  Days of Hope - 49th Venice Biennale, (Maia Damianaovic), Italy

2000                  LKW (Leben, Kunst und Werk), (Paulo Bianchi), Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria

2000                  Collective Art Works, (Pascal Pique), Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, France

2000                  Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial, (Fumio Nanjo), Japan

2000                  What If/Tänk Om, (Maria Lind), Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden

1999-01             Mirror's Edge, (Okwui Enwezor), Bild Museet, Umeå, Sweden, Vancouver Art Gallery, Castello di Rivoli, Italy, Tramway, Scotland.

1999                  N55 Spaceframe, Copenhagen, Denmark

1998                  Cool Places, (Kestutis Kuizinas), Contempoary Art Center, Vilinius, Lithuania

1998                  Pakkhus, Momentum-1. Nordic Art Biennial, (Daniel Birnbaum, Lars Bang Larsen & Atle Gerhardsen), Moss, Norway

1998                  Come Closer-90`s art from Scandinavia and its predecessors, (Maria Lind), Liechtensteinische Staatliche Kunstsammlung, Liechtenstein

1998                  The Campaign Against Living Miserably, RCA, London, UK

1996                  NowHere, Work in Progress, (Iwona Blazwick), Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark



Selected printed publications

2012                  The Architecture of Transgression Architectural Design, Rachel Sara & Jonathan Mosley, UK

2008                  More Mobile: Portable Architecture for Today, Jennifer Siegal, Princeton Architectural Press

2008                  Hatch: The New Architectural Generation, Kieran Long, Laurence King Publishing

2006                  Talking Cities Magazine; Micropolitic of Urban Space, Ferguson, Franceca, Birkhäuser Arkitektur, Germany

2006                  Small City Houses, Evergreen, Taschen

2005                  Water House, Felix Flesche, Prestel Pub

2005                  Portable architecture - and unpredictable surroundings, Pilar Echavarria M., Links International

2004                  New Art Examiner, "Until It’s Gone: Talking stock of Chicago’s Multi-Use Center", N. Thompson

2003                  N55 BOOK, Pork Salad Press, København, Denmark

2002                  Xtreme Houses, Prestel Verlag, Munchen, Berlin, New York

1999                  Frieze #49, “Loving the Alien”, review, Lars Bang Larsen, nov.-dec., UK

1999                  Like Virginity, Once Lost - Five Views on Nordic Art Now, Daniel Birnbaum, John Peter Nilsson (edts.), Prospexus, Sweden

1999                  After All #1, “Social aesthetics: 11 examples to begin with, in the light of parallel history”, Lars B. Larsen, Glasgow, UK

1999                  KUNSTFORUM International #146, “Das Archiv als Weltgarten”, Paulo Biranchi, Köln, Germany

1998                  Cream - Contemporary Art in Culture, Åsa Nacking, Phaidon Press, London, UK

1997                  Frieze, #35, “Home Hydroponic Unit”, Lars Bang Larsen, London, UK

1996-2003         N55 Periodical, #1-#63, Copenhagen, Denmark